Adult Ministry
There are many issues that face families in today's society: marriage, parenting, finances, work, family, friendships, and life in general. Bible Baptist Church understands this and strives to provide a clear-cut, Biblical approach to all of life's issues. Our adult Sunday School classes focus on Bible preaching and teaching, developing friendships, and loving one another. We currently have three adult Sunday School Classes:
Multiple times a year we have activities aimed at building relationships including men's breakfast, game nights, couples retreats, ladies retreats, Men's trips, and more. Ladies also have a monthly ladies meeting.
- Young Adults - Age 20's-30's (taught by Ken Brinson)
- Fellowship Adults - Age 40's-50's (taught by pastor David Pugh)
- Auditorium Adults - Age 60's+ (taught by Jeff Noyes)
Multiple times a year we have activities aimed at building relationships including men's breakfast, game nights, couples retreats, ladies retreats, Men's trips, and more. Ladies also have a monthly ladies meeting.